David Kyle is owner of Ashtanga Yoga Puerto Rico and founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga which honors the traditional practice of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary philosophy of Larry Schultz. Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga was established in 2004 to promote an Ashtanga based practice that holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice. This method is designed to fit the individual practitioner by encouraging their inner voice to lead them. Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is all-inclusive!
Our philosophy and understanding of this ancient practice is becoming more popular as the Ashtanga Yoga community grows and more students are learning to maintain a healthy and consistent practice that honors their bodies present moment. "We all cross when walking the same path."
David's teaching style is easy going and carries a strong physical foundation with a philosophical approach to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. There is a sense of light heartedness in a practice that demands a lot of courage to push through the dynamic structure that is in the Ashtanga Yoga sequencing, while maintaining a sense of graceful composure. Specific detail to breath and movement coordination is always a main focus in David's classes, which provides a sense of safety and control for the practitioner.
The function of the posture is where we want to bring our attention and release from the ego centered obsession with the form of the body or its external alignment. The feeling of the posture is what awakens the experience of yoga asana and draws consciousness into the healing process of this therapeutic practice that goes beyond the body. David's teachings brings a sense of ease into the subtle teachings of yoga and the experience of finding perfection no matter where we are.
David leads trainings that are based on the Ashtanga Yoga system with a strong understanding of traditional Ashtanga Yoga method, but also teaches modifications and variation to create a complete view of this practice from both a western non-traditional and eastern traditional point of views. As a 500 E-RYT, David has studied extensivily in the Ashtanga methods and can offer training to people who wish to furthur their knowledge. These trainings are desgined to give you a complete view for obtaining success in teaching and help you open your own studio location and begin your dream! David is the highest trained student by Larry Schultz in both Primary Series modifications and Rocket Series.
As co-owner of Ashtanga Yoga Puerto Rico, David and his wife Elizabeth, lead daily classes and yearly trainings on one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. He also serves as a guest teacher and training director for many yoga studio locations in other places around the world. David travels throughout the United States, Canada, South America, Mexico, and occasionally in European countries, so there is always time open to travel and help "spread the love". Feel free to contact David Kyle about visiting your area or find a teacher who has trained through David for an excellent yoga experience.
"You are perfect the way you are! Just keep breathing!"